Wordless Prayer - Free Chapter


Manifesting the Kingdom of God through Groans, Tears, and Tongues

As we seek the Lord’s provision, followers of Christ bear the burden of deep frustration and anger at the evil in the world that often leaves us without words.

In an early morning encounter with God, Tammie Southerland discovered that a profound and mysterious language of groaning exists in this very place of wordlessness that connects us intimately with the heart of God.

In Wordless Prayer: How God Hears and Answers Your Groans and Tears, Tammie unveils the wisdom revealed in Romans 8:18-26 that gives authority to intercessors as they carry God’s heart and His groans.

She teaches that the silent groans of the Holy Spirit unveil God’s mysteries and awaken His sons and daughters to manifest His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

“Tammie Southerland masterfully navigates the sacred terrain where words falter, but the spirit speaks volumes. This book is a compelling exploration into the depths of spiritual communication, where silence and the soul’s yearnings coalesce to form a powerful conduit for divine intervention and transformation.”—Alan DiDio, founder of Encounter Ministries

Tammie says in the dedication:

This book is a blazing tribute to the unsung intercessors
and fery messengers— those who have been overtaken by
God’s very heartbeat in unceasing yearning for His fullness.
You’ve carried a burden beyond words, an ache beyond
human description. You’ve felt exposed and misunderstood
in prayer meetings, church services, and the tapestry of
society, much like Hannah, firmly rejected the enticement
of worldly pleasures. This dedication is a rallying cry for those
who lack the human vocabulary to convey the burning grip
of the Holy Spirit’s voice within— an unspoken anthem that
roars and longs that others would share in the splendor of His
incomprehensible beauty.